Saturday, July 2, 2011

Are you hungry

Thanks to my Sis Tara I've been really thinking about some of the things she said about how singles should prepare before marriage. Basically If you're single and waiting on ur mate start acting like a husband/wife. If you're a male start grooming your self spiritually/naturally to be able to cover a's more than just being a provider you have to have that spiritual insight to lead your family in the direction God has purposed for your home.

Us women have to get in the mindstate of being a wife, submitting to God in preparation for submission to our mate... (that means getting rid of my black nail polish and my spoiled ways hahahahah) We have to be able to cover our husband in prayer and be able to hear from God also concerning the plans for the family...It's more than just being able to lay on your back or fry some good chicken (although that's needed lol) have to be willing to give of yourself to help that man meet destiny.

 I love where I am right now in regards to my level of contentment. I'm a little hungry but I sure "ain't" starving lol I'm enjoying this time God has given me alone with him and I'm learning and examining myself daily.

 I know I'm worth so much more than what I have been settling for. Not saying I want to be single forever...I do desire to be married one day but I'm in no rush because right now I'm falling in love with God. I'm excited to see the one God has chosen for me b/c I know he will be everything I need in husband and everything I want in a man.

So don't take it personal if I'm not trying to kick it with you... I'm just done playing the dating game....I know what I want in a man and I refuse to settle for less than what I'm willing to give..... it's time to stop running the streets and come on in the house with the grown folks.

China Rice

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