Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Truth about Bandaids

Sometimes the deepest cuts are internal. We walk around with fake smiles on our faces thinking we're fooling the world but inside we're bleeding to death. As a preteen I used to cut myself to find solace from the internal pain I felt. The relief it gave me was only often times I would have to do it more just to cope. I would hide my arms so people couldn't see my cuts or what the Lord later showed me were my (BANDAIDS)..or my temporary fix to a far greater internal issue. I don't know who this is for but God led me to share this with you... what you are doing to yourself is only masking the pain. (The Sex/Masturbation, The drugs, The alcohol, The eating, some the compulsive shopping) It's only a bandaid covering your infected wound. It's not healing the cut it's only numbing it. And until you let someone exam and disinfect it the infection will only spread into other areas of your life...One bandaid will multiple in to 2,3, 4....You'll wake up saying how did I get here?... I never been one to drink but now I'm drinking..or I don't know why I'm eating so much now and gaining so much's A BANDAID. There is a solution..Glory to God! I found this Healer One day..Isaiah 53:5 "But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be WHOLE. He was WHIPPED so we could be HEALED." Only Christ can heal that internal wound......take your bandaids off and let Him exam you and find the infection and take it think you're doing a good job hiding it but trust me everyone sees your cuts.

 China Rice

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